Monday, May 9, 2011

Techno Legal IPR Skill Development In India

Intellectual Property Rights in India (IPRs in India) are no more of the same nature as they used to be. With the growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), IPRs in India have also transformed into a new form. The Technological Issues of IPRs in India has given rise to Techno Legal Challenges that require both Technical and Legal expertise to manage the same.

At Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) we provide the Exclusive Techno Legal IPR Services in India. Further, PTLB is also the Exclusive Techno Legal IPR LPO and KPO Services Provider of India.

Issues like Domain Name Protection in India require domain specific expertise. Similarly, Cyber Crimes are affecting Trade Secrets in India and World wide and to effectively tackle the same, one must have good Techno Legal Skills. Patent Law of India would also change in future and it would require Techno Legal Acumen to deal with future Patent related IPR issues in India.

At PTLB we provide exclusive Techno Legal IPR Skill Development in India. Issues like Domain Name, Cyber Squatting, Cyber Crimes, Digital Evidencing, Data Protection, Trade Secrets in Cyberspace, Cyber Law, Cyber Forensics, etc are clubbed with traditional IPRs and Techno Legal IPR Skill Development Trainings and Education is provided by PTLB.

If you are interested in having a Partnership, Collaboration, Consortium Forming, etc, in this regard or otherwise you may Contact Us with your proposal and terms and conditions.